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Book Today! Free Online WEA Course – The Long Forty Years: 1979-2019

The Long Forty Years changed working class communities out of all recognition. A period that includes the Thatcher Revol...
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East Marshian Chronicles Podcast: What’s Next? Lord Maurice Glasman and the Genius of Grimsby

Today’s podcast from the edge of things is a fascinating chat with Lord Maurice Glasman. Maurice talks about his s...
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Checking in with our Writing Group

We thought it would be really good to check back in with The East Marsh Writing Group now that they/we are able to socia...
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Grant Thorold Park is your park – come and have your voice heard this Saturday 10am at Shalom

After our wonderful day in the park last Saturday we’re following up by listening to what people would like to do ...
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After a week where we Proud East Marshians showed and felt the real power of our community in solidarity, I wanted to sh...
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The Carer’s Support Service – free information, support and advice 7 Days a Week

A Carer is someone of any age who provides necessary care to a child, relative, partner or friend in need of help becaus...
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What a great day for Friends of Grant Thorold Park – now, come and join us to make our East Marsh Village!

Lauren from Create Streets caught the day well – it was a great day. It was purposeful. It felt like something had...
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East Marsh United’s 3rd home for our Proud East Marshians

Well, here we are, it’s been a long time coming and quite a few delays for, well, one thing and another – bu...
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East Marshian Chronicles Podcast: 2nd Ragged Reading Group

LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD HERE: This episode is our second Ragged Reading group ...
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The East Marsh Peace Choir is back!

The East Marsh Peace Choir was a thing of joy before the lockdown and we are delighted to say that WE ARE BACK. WHERE? W...
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Let’s Shape the Future of Grant Thorold Park!

East Marsh United is proud to present a day of fun at Grant Thorold Park to kick off our Friends of the Park group! We c...
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