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Taking back our streets and putting smiles on people’s faces

This was my first street-clean and I have to say it was brilliant – the sun shone down on us and the spirit of East Marsh United is really strong and is heartening. We are just people who live here and by doing this we are standing together and showing that we CARE. And it was great that people passing by stopped to say hello and residents came out of their houses to cheer us on. We also value the support we have from Paul (another East Marsher!) and the guys at the council. And we value the support we get from people who don’t want publicity for their generosity – business owners, retailers, council employees, labour party: you know who you are, so thanks!

We took two minutes out yesterday to be silent and remember those killed in murderous wars. We all had our own private thoughts during this brief time of reflection and I found it extremely moving to stand with my fellow East Marshers. I thought about the Grimsby Chums and about those from Grimsby caught up in the mayhem out at sea, how the lives of people just like us were taken or damaged and it makes my resolve stronger than ever. I feel sure they would all have stood with us to make the world a better place.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, here’s some from yesterday’s street clean – onwards!



And After…

I can’t remember how many bags we got – I’m sure somebody will remind me in the comments, but Bob from the council called to say we got 480 kilos in weight, which is nearly half a tonne!

And a big thank you to HairWayze hairdressers for the much-needed tea and coffee afterwards 🙂